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Marlene opens to rave reviews and standing ovations in Berlin

After a sensational run at the Renaissance Theater in Berlin, with the cast receiving standing ovations, the show received a flood of glowing reviews, with the majority of them awarding it 4 to 5 stars. Sven Ratzke, who portrayed Marlene Dietrich, delivered an outstanding performance, earning widespread praise from both the critic and the delighted audience. 

The show will be playing in Berlin until the 25th of February and will be touring the Netherlands from the 28th of February until the 5th of May, see tourdates.

Die Welt
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"Ratzke is the worthy successor to the legend Marlene. He showcases all her glamour and vulnerability. Ratzke does it wonderfully. The Berlin audience embraces this show with tremendous enthusiasm and undivided ovations."
Berliner Morgenpost
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"Ratzke is from 'Kopf bis Fuss auf Liebe eingestellt' and creates something entirely unique with this evening. Go see this! This will be Berlin's theater sensation."
Der Tagesspiegel
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"...the songs sound surprisingly fresh with Ratzke and are devoid of any false pathos: he is pure, honest, touches you, and creates something completely authentic. The audience showered him with standing ovations. In Berlin, a new 'Marlene' has risen."
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"For those who want to witness a fantastic actor and singer in their element, this is a must-see! It's also musically unique. Ovations for a Marlene like we've never seen before."

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